Friday, May 23, 2008

The Jetsons

I had a boring life as a child. It was so boring that I used to make up incredible tales about what I did during the day with the Jetsons. George Jetson was my favorite at the time but I also really loved Astro. If i ever have a dog I am going to name it Astro. It was entertaining for my family to hear about the Jetsons at the dinner table and after a while they began to ask me, "what did you and George Jetson do today?" Everyone would laugh and laugh except me. It didn't take long for me to realize that everyone knew I was lying about what George and I did and they were just trying to find out what kind of shenanigans I could think up. Sometimes my stories would come off the top of my head and other times they would coincide with what really happened on that day's episode. After a while i grew tired of telling my stories and having them not be taken seriously. One evening when we all sat together my brother smiled at me and asked, "How was George Jetson today?" I looked down at the table and then behind me apprehensive of what I knew i had to report. "George Jetson died today..." there was a moment of silence as everyone mourned for George Jetson. I wonder if some of my siblings really think George died or if they all caught on to the fact that i was just telling a lie to get out of my other lies...

1 comment:

Josh said...

hahaha. typical dave: instead of admitting that he made something up, he fabricates a way to get out of the first strew of lies by "killing" them off.